Troubleshooting Tips To Resolve Canon Error B200

Canon Printers are known worldwide for their simple troubleshooting. The help code Error B200 is one of the most widely recognized errors experienced in Canon Printers.

The troubleshooting for settling this error is very straightforward. As Canon Printers guides either 2 or 4+ cartridges, troubleshooting the Error B200 is a variety for both printers.

Troubleshooting 4+ Cartridges for Canon Printers

1. Open your printer top cover. The cartridge support will consequently lift up. Expel every one of the cartridges from the support.

2. Next stage is to evacuate the print head which can be effectively done by lifting the switch which is found just next to the cartridge support. After you have lifted the switch, at that point just delicately expel the printhead from the printer.

3. In the third step, reinsert the printhead into its situation in the printer and make a point to the switch.

  ALSO READ ::: Top 5 Canon Printer Troubleshooting Tips

4. At that point reinsert every one of the cartridges into their right positions in the printer and ensure that there is no open entryway. By guaranteeing the conclusion of entryways guarantees that the printer is prepared with the entrance to the cartridges and printhead.

5. At that point physically unplug your printer cable from the power board and leave it unplugged at any rate at least 5 minutes. This outcomes in cooling down the printer and waiting electrical vitality is likewise dispensed with.

6. Re-plug the printer.

7. The Final Step is to begin a cleaning cycle or play out a broad spout check. The Error B200 typically does not occur when the printer has a standard access to the printhead.

    Also Read :: Canon printer tech Support

Troubleshooting 2 Cartridge Canon Printers

1. Turn Off the printer. The cartridge support really stalls out in the Error B200 state. Be that as it may, retuning the printer incidentally let us further identify the Error B200.

2. Turn the printer ON once more.

3. The Error B200 does not actually demonstrate the problematic cartridge. Along these lines, you ought to have an unpleasant thought what cartridge you supplanted last. Expel that cartridge delicately from the space.

4. In a 2 cartridge Canon printer, the printer’s print head is the piece of the cartridge. This printer has a confinement that you cannot avert the Error B200 without replacing the hazardous cartridge. In this manner supplant the cartridge with an old working cartridge or supplant it with another one.

5. Do a broad spout check or cleaning cycle. After the substitution of the cartridge, this is a basic advance to decide if the ideal cartridge is supplanted from the printer.

   ALSO read ::: Epson printer troubleshooting

6. In the event that the issue is as yet uncertain, at that point supplant the other cartridge with another one or an old working cartridge. This Canon printer works with 2 cartridges, so clearly both of the two cartridges are flawed. Supplanting and checking the two cartridges individually should resolve the issue.

7. If the issue still endures in the wake of playing out all the above strides for troubleshooting the two types of Canon printers, at that point, it is prescribed to the client to connect with the Canon Helpline or a printer expert.


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